From Shadows to Light: Navigating Trauma and Embracing Growth with Psychodrama & Sociometry
The upcoming online trauma symposium sponsored by the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama is a once-a-year opportunity to hear from top-drawer U.S. and international presenters on the multitude of ways to address trauma that are both experiential and safe.
Among the many workshop and other event topics: virtual sand tray, the cultural atom, finding hope, dream work, mindfulness and compassion, treating trauma online, workplace trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences, research, collective trauma, attachment, creativity, and sociodrama. Attend one or both days (Dec. 6 and 7) or just the workshop that you're interested in. All online, in the comfort of your office, home or practice space -- with optional CE and psychodrama credits, plus student and retiree rates.
A limited number of scholarships is available. Take a look at the full brochure here: