We Should Be Furious

by Cali Chacon, BSW

Someone once said, 

“We should be furious all the time as social workers”

for look at all the injustice among us

children being traded for sex

people being intimidated from their homes

for a gold Rolex


Looking into the eyes of a refugee

we may not speak the same language

but I can see

the heartbreak in your eyes

the war that you despise

our common prayer for peace


We should be furious all the time as social workers

Those speaking on behalf of civil liberties are treated as prisoners

It isn’t right

But what is a human right?

Is it a treaty?

Or is it innate?

Is it something we can afford to leave or take?


We should be furious, and we are

Because injustice travels near and far

It affects us all, and sometimes we are part

Of the cause

Who’s making our shoes, our socks, and our bras?


We should be furious and not let the flame of our fury be snuffed out

We should believe and not doubt

Let’s not turn a blind eye because it’s easier

But instead channel the fury into our work

Let’s share our power with our clients

So that our voices will be louder than corporate giants,

Than warlords, than traffickers, 

Than accusers and abusers


Let’s ignite our fury so we can shine a light

Of hope and healing

Let’s build houses,

Out of ashes

To keep our fury from reeling.

Cali Chacon, BSW, is a 2017 graduate of the University of Georgia School of Social Work. She is interested in working internationally as well as in the field of mental health and incorporating creative expression into her practice.

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