Ethics Alive! Anti-DEI Laws, Moral Distress, and Student Roles
A concerning trend has emerged as 22 states have introduced or enacted legislation that would restrict DEI initiatives and the teaching of DEI. These laws may present social work educators with a conflict between ethical and legal responsibilities. Read more
Giving Non-Advice: Fostering Independence and Resilience in Social Work Clients
Excessive advice-giving doesn’t belong in the therapy room. As a new social worker, you will need to resist the temptation a dozen times a day to pack clients full of your fresh therapy knowledge. Read more
Book Review—Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways
Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul can be a valuable resource for someone grappling with how to align their personal passion for social justice with their sensitive nature. Book review by Allison Berkowitz. Read more
Self-Care A-Z: Hope as a Self-Care Strategy
Professionally and personally, we must attend to our individual self-care of hope. We must practice that hope in our professional and collective actions. Read more
Analogies for Engagement: Potty Training for Emotions
An analogy to potty training can show children and their caregivers that emotions can also be felt in the body, and addressing these emotions early on can help with early management to lessen the risk of a crisis. Read more
Ethics Alive! Social Workers and the Ethics of Follow-Up and Termination With Clients Who Disappear
What are a social worker’s ethical obligations when clients do not show up for services? Consider a client who misses a scheduled meeting with you. You follow up, but the client does not respond. What now? Read more
Book Review: Omega Farm—A Memoir
Omega Farm, the most recent book by Martha McPhee, is a memoir that is compelling, heart-breaking, and hopeful all at once. Reviewed by Lisa Eible. Read more
Preventing the Preventable: What Can We Do About Suicide?
Suicide rates have been on the rise since the emergence of COVID-19. Although some suicides will not be prevented, society can focus on preventive measures such as providing space and support for those who are struggling and choose to live. Read more
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