You ARE a Social Worker

An original poem and video

by Landon Digh

To put it into words is not as easy as you think,

It takes courage, drive, motivation, and will

A push for change doesn’t happen in a blink,

That’s why to be in this field you’ll need more than just skill

A thrill to heal, you’ll find you’re never really still, until,

You change one life, and then more, and more

And pretty soon it comes natural; you’re acting so casual

The look on a child’s face when you walk in gets you razzled, dazzled, unraveled

How could a simple hug from you create so much magic?

Then you stop, and you ponder

All the times that you’ve wondered,

Am I cut out for this job? Do I really even matter?

That’s when you realize you’re a batter, striking out or hitting homers

Either way you DO matter,

Things you do make things BETTER

A hero in the making, though some may call you villain

You do it all for the greater, the prisoner, the children

You strive to find a home for a retired, homeless veteran

And then the day is through and somehow you gain composure,

But there’s so much left to do, people to help, help things further

Just look up, smile, and know

You ARE a Social Worker.

Landon Digh is a senior completing his BSW at East Carolina University. In his free time, he enjoys writing and performing music, playing instruments, writing poetry, and working on completing his first novel.

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