Social Work Is - Poetry

Social Work Is...

by Kristi S. Wood, MSW, APSW

People ask me, "What do you do?"

Funny you should ask, as I would rather you ask what I don't do.

I don't walk around with wings on my shoulders, nor does my heart bleed.

I defy stereotypes.

I break the mold.

I do ache for the world, but I transform the ache into action.

I can't heal the sick, but I can help them cry.

I can't save the world, but I can help make it a better place.

I can't save children and families, but I can help them become stronger.

I can't prevent evil from spreading, but collectively we are stronger than evil.

I can't give power to the voiceless, but I can give them a megaphone.

I don't tell others what to do, but I can guide them toward their passions.

My work is done when there is peace in the world, and all have enough to get by.

My work is done when I can pass it along to others, and they take it and run.

Until then, I keep calm and carry on.

Kristi S. Wood, MSW, APSW, has worked in the child welfare field for more than 20  years. She and her partner, Shannon, have had more than 40 foster sons. She serves on the board of the NASW-WI Chapter.

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