Social Work Is Life, Life Is Social Work - Poetry

by Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty

Social work is not just a profession

It’s a way of life, a way of being, a way of thinking

It’s a thought process, it’s the reaction that requires action

It’s a person called to respond to injustice not just a feeling

It’s the student looking for more than the headline news

It’s the educator instilling character values

It’s the administrator upholding values of ethics, justice, and self-determination

It's the responsibility to do something in disaster and uprising

It is the call to change and advocate against wrong

It’s the person who knows there is more to life than hatred, revenge, and suffering

It’s the professional telling the story of those unheard voices

It’s the decision to help reduce the carnage

It’s the mental health professional helping to silence the story of pain from many sources

My dear people, social work is not just a major in some college

It’s a decision to stand up

It’s a decision to listen

It’s a decision to rise up

It’s the plan to help others author a new ending

It’s the counselor choosing to help children escape gun violence in their schools

It’s the worker choosing to create programs for bullies

It’s the worker organizing food in pantries

It’s the worker choosing to use a theory lens to understand the client in their office

Move them through the stages of change, as they explore problem, history, environment, goals, and strengths

Social work is more than the sum of its parts,

It's more than the ecomap

It's more than strengths

It's more than responding to conflict, roles, childhood, power, and rap

It’s a people, a profession, art, a skill set, a way of life

Social work is life, life is social work

We are social work; our stories form grounds for our relevance,

The seeping pain of our clients fuels our work

We are the intermediaries between big government and grassroots

We create bridges for systemic change to occur

Social workers make change, call for change, and are the change

Social work helps co-author endings

Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty is a student-centered researcher and educator at Indiana University in the School of Social Work.

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