Social Workers - Poetry

A World That Needs Healing

by Mithsuka Paul

Let us hold hands and become one

Let us pick up these falling pieces

Falling pieces that have led us broken

A world that needs healing

A world that needs to become united

Let us...  Amend the healers of the nation

Social workers!

Social Workers... Problem solver... Listener... Empathetic... Healers

Something I was always destined to be

Never doubted this profession you see

Social work is the key!

Helping those who are broken

Helping those who are misguided

Lending a hand to someone who needs it

Sharing love and light to those who seek it

Oh, how I admire and love Social Workers

The passion that they demonstrate and their act of empathy

Existing in politics, hospitals, government, movements, child welfare, and many more

What will a world become without those pushing for progress?

Let us hold hands and become one

Let us pick up these falling pieces

Falling pieces that have led us broken

A world that needs healing

A world that needs healing

Lets us... Amend the healers of the nation

Social Workers!

Mithsuka Paul  is a BSW  student at Florida International University. She says, "I never doubted what I wanted to become in the future. It is my duty to help create a generation of successful souls. This is only the beginning.."

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