Book Review: Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success

Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success, by Lisa E. Cox, Cognella Academic Publishing, ISBN: 9781516510436 (paperback), San Diego, CA, 2018, 298 pages, $67.95.

    Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success is a textbook that includes an innovative twist. In an effort to combat ageism and pique students’ interest in geriatric social work, Cox’s book is filled with stories from older adults on varying themes. The prologue includes several family stories and recipes from contributors, and the book has eleven chapters and themes. The themes are: family; education and socializing influences; home life; role of money and life’s roles or career; entertainment, travel, leisure time, and hobbies; health, body, and habits; death; love, romance, and sexual identity; spirituality; politics and history; and food and celebrations. Each chapter begins with an academic introduction by Lisa Cox, Dave Burdick, or Gina Maguire. These introductions discuss the theme in relation to the field of social work and gerontology.

    The chapters are filled with stories from older adults who participated in writing groups sponsored by Stockton University. These stories are often from the writer’s childhood and offer a vibrant look into their past and life experiences. By reminiscing and writing their stories, these older adults have given students the opportunity to have improved intergenerational understanding and communication. Each story is followed by discussion questions about the topic, and each chapter ends with a list of supplemental resources related to its theme.

    This book targets new social work students and aims to help them develop an interest in geriatric social work. The introductions in each chapter provide the stimulus for academic discussion, and each story provides insight into the lives and cultures of the older adult contributors.

    This book would be most helpful for social work educators or students in Introduction to Gerontology courses who are hoping to have unique discussions about the life experiences of people from an older generation. The supplemental materials in each chapter would be useful for educators and students alike.

Reviewed by Lindsay M. Wendland, MSW, LMSW, Grant Writing Consultant with Mission Lift.

Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success

Lisa Cox

Cognella Academic Publishing




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