Self-Care A-Z: Self-Care is Hard…and It’s “E”sy


by Erlene Grise-Owens, EdD, LCSW, MSW, MRE, lead co-editor of The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals 

Oppressive structures need dismantling.

Community care is a must.

Justice-making requires much.


Magical “leaders” are not going to dismantle oppression.

Community is not an amorphous “we.”

Justice starts with me.


I am a leader.

I am community.

Just-us begins with me.


When I’m depleted, the community suffers.

When I’m defeated, the oppressor wins.

When I’m deflated, just-us diminishes.


Without self-care, I self-less-ly dis-appear.

I become dis-connected, dis-couraged, dis-combobulated, dis-empowered, dis-functional.

Lack of self-care fosters dis-ease (“e”s).


Self-care is whole-ly Essential.

It ensures that I show up with Empathy, Energy, Equanimity, Empowerment, Efficacy.

Self-Care is hard…and it’s “E”sy.

Peace, Love, & Self-Care, Erlene

Dr. Erlene Grise-Owens, EdD, LCSW, MSW, MRE, is a Partner in The Wellness Group, ETC.  This LLC provides evaluation, training, and consultation for organizational wellness and practitioner well-being. Dr. Grise-Owens is lead editor of The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals.  As a former faculty member and graduate program director, she and a small (but mighty!) group of colleagues implemented an initiative to promote self-care as part of the social work education curriculum. Previously, she served in clinical and administrative roles. She has experience with navigating toxicity and dysfunction, up-close and personal! Likewise, as an educator, she saw students enter the field and quickly burn out. As a dedicated social worker, she believes the well-being of practitioners is a matter of social justice and human rights. Thus, she is on a mission to promote self-care and wellness!

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