Beginnings, Middles, & Ends
Ogden Rogers, author of Beginnings, Middles, & Ends: Sideways Stories on the Art & Soul of Social Work, was interviewed by Al Ross of the show Spectrum West on Wisconsin Public Radio on November 7, 2013. Listen to the interview here. The interview with Rogers begins about 32 minutes into the show.
In this interview Rogers and Ross talk about the profession of social work, what inspired Rogers to write this book of 99 stories from his life as a social worker, and more. Ross reads a couple of the shorter stories aloud, giving listeners a small glimpse of the treat they will experience when they read the book.
After you listen to the interview, you can go to Amazon.com or White Hat Communications to order the book and read the rest of the stories! If you are looking for a holiday or graduation gift for a social worker or social work student, this book provides a welcome retreat from the textbooks social work students are most often required to read. It is pleasure reading with nuggets of social work wisdom built in to every page.
For another glimpse inside the book, read an excerpt on the book's website.