by Linda May Grobman, MSW, ACSW, LSW
THANK YOU to professional social workers everywhere for the good work you do! We celebrated the social work profession throughout Social Work Month, March 2015. I am very excited to welcome you to THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER's Social Work Month Series and Talent Show this year. Social work is a challenging and rewarding career. We really wanted to showcase social workers' good work and talents this year, so we asked social work practitioners, educators, and students to submit their creative work to us for this special month-long series. The result is an amazing collection of writing, music, artwork, poetry, videos, and more! I want to especially thank Susan Mankita, LCSW, who was the inspiration for the "talent show" portion of this year's series. I hope to expand in this area even more in the future! There is a lot of talent and creativity among social workers.
The National Association of Social Workers theme for this month is "Social Work Paves the Way for Change." I hope that our Social Work Month series this year will inspire you to follow your passion within the profession and continue to make change in your own unique ways!
You can follow the series by watching our website each day, or by following us on Facebook or Twitter. To view the entire series, use the links at the top of each article to go to the next article in the series (link at top right) or the previous article (link at top left). This article (the one you're reading right now!) is the first in the 2015 series, so start here and click through the top right links to make sure you haven't missed anything.