We at The New Social Worker are very excited, because March is Social Work Month! Please join us for our month-long celebration.
The National Association of Social Workers has chosen the slogan, "Social Workers Stand Up," for the 2017 Social Work Month theme. Below is a proclamation, signed by The New Social Worker publisher/editor, Linda May Grobman, MSW, ACSW, LSW. The proclamation outlines ways in which social workers stand up - for equal rights for all, helping people overcome substance use disorders and mental illness, working to enhance the well-being and basic needs of all people in our society.
You can get your own copy of the proclamation and other campaign materials at NASW's Social Work Month website.

Social Work Month 2017 Proclamation
Watch Linda May Grobman, publisher/editor of The New Social Worker, as she brings Social Work Month greetings and reads the proclamation below: