Two Men
by Greg Gross, MSW, College of St. Rose, Albany, NY
- Look at YOU! Don’t you look sharp today?
- Thank you. Thanks for noticing.
- Listen to you -- “Thank you for noticing.” You think so, too. And can say it. Out loud. That’s progress.
- For having a hat?
- For picking a hat. A great hat.
- Picky, picky, picky.
- No, you picked. You chose that hat. You made a choice.
- Well…
- Own it.
- Of course, I “own” it. I bought it.
- If the hat fits…
- Wear it?
- Precisely.
- It fits precisely.
- A precise fit. A fit between you and the hat. That’s what’s important here. Now…, put yourself in the picture.
- Good lord! Another metaphor -- “picture.”
- Let’s mix metaphors a bit more, ok?
- If we must.
- Here goes: Put your self in the mirror.
- With the hat or without the hat?
- “With,” of course.
- Ok.
- What do you see?
- I see someone who looks like me wearing a hat. A hat I would generally never buy for myself.
- How come?
- It’s not “me.”
- Not you? Who then?
- Well, it’s preppy. Pretty darned preppy!
- And you’re not “preppy”?
- Hey. It’s you with the alligator on your shirt.
Pul-eez! Don’t go making another metaphor.
- No time for crocodile tears, ay?… Sorry about that. I couldn’t resist. It had to be said. My bad.
- Sometimes when I look at you, all I see are teeth and a tail!
- I had that coming to me, didn’t I?
- I couldn’t resist either. My bad, too. Um, maybe we should get back to preppy.
- Ok. So… I am preppy. We agree on that. And you are not preppy. And we agree on that, too.
- Ok, so…?
- And… And, you, little by little now, are becoming what? Preppy.
- I am? Well, maybe. Maybe, I suppose so.
- Like me.
- Yes, I do like you. A lot.
- No, that’s not what I meant. Uh, mean. I mean, you are becoming preppy, um, like me.
- (silence)
- That’s not good, is it?
- It’s neither good nor bad.
- (silence)
- There’s a name for it.
- Not another metaphor, I hope.
- No, not this time. It’s called “transference.” Or, is it “counter-transference”? I confuse the two sometimes.
- Pick one. Um, like a hat.
- Ok, I’ll go with counter-transference.
- Good choice. Like a hat.
- So… This counter-transference. Does it fit?
- Well, no. Not really. Me becoming you? It feels a little creepy.
- Don’t worry. You’ll get over the counter-transference.
- What?
- The final metaphor!
- What?
- “Over the counter transference.”
- What?
- Like at a drugstore -- over the counter. No prescription. No clinic.
- No me.
- That’s right. Just ME. At last.
- Over…
- Over.
- Over.
- Over and out.
One more thing.
- Yes?
- My hat’s off to you!
- (quietly) Yes…
Greg Gross retires from college teaching after 41 years. He stands grateful to The New Social Worker for having published a poem or dialogue for each of the past four years during Social Work Month.