21. Briana is a 20-something single woman who works in the strategic communications department of the Association for Computer Technology in Higher Education, a national association headquartered in Washington, D.C. Particularly on hot summer days, Briana dresses in skimpy clothing, showing lots of skin and causing a distraction to her coworkers. Her immediate supervisor, Harriet, the organization's director, is hearing complaints from the other females in the office, and she senses that the males in her organization are indeed spending a lot of time around her, ogling, and whispering about her around the water cooler. Harriet calls Briana into her office, explains her distaste for Briana’s choice of wardrobe, and demands that she dress more modestly or face repercussions. Briana responds that her clothing is her own business, and in the absence of any formal organizational dress policy, she has the right to wear whatever she wants. She claims that she is being discriminated against because of her attractiveness, and implies that any action taken against her will result in a discrimination suit. She leaves in a huff.
a. Is Harriet acting ethically by providing an ultimatum to Briana?
b. What other options may be available to Harriet to respond to the perceived problem?