The Nonprofit Handbook
Everything You Need to Know to Start
and Run Your Nonprofit Organization
Sixth Edition
Gary M. Grobman
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Copyright © 2011 by Gary M. Grobman
Published by White Hat Communications.
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All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, mechanical or electronic, or by any information storage and retrieval system or other method, for any use, without the written permission of Gary M. Grobman.
Much of the material in Chapter 4 and Chapter 16 of this publication is authored by Michael Sand and is reprinted with permission. The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions Mr. Sand has made to the material that comprises Chapter 15. The material in Chapter 7 is authored by Gerald Kaufman and Gary M. Grobman. Much of the material in Chapter 9 was rewritten by Melanie Herman of the Nonprofit Management Risk Center (NMRC). Some of the material in Chapter 20, 21, and 22 is based on the book Fundraising Online: Using the Internet to Raise Serious Money for Your Nonprofit Organization by Gary M. Grobman and Gary B. Grant and is reprinted with permission. Some of the material in Chapter 22 is based on the book The Nonprofit Organization's Guide to E-Commerce by Gary M. Grobman (White Hat Communications, 2001). Some of the material in Chapter 29 is co-authored by Gary M. Grobman, Gerald Gorelick, and Frederick Richmond, and it is used with permission from the authors.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This publication is intended to provide general information and should not be construed as legal advice or opinions concerning any specific facts or circumstances. Consult an experienced attorney if advice is required concerning any specific situation or legal matter. Neither the author nor the publisher make any warranties, expressed, or implied, with respect to the information in this publication. The author and publisher shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the use of this book.
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Printed in the United States of America.
ISBN: 978-1-929109-31-9