Homeless and Hungry
by Tiffany Thompson, MSW, CSW
As an MSW who works with faculty, staff, and students from all walks of life, I have learned many lessons in the last year. Earning my MSW in 2015, exploring social work career opportunities, and passing my CSW exam have been enlightening for me.
On July 6, 2015, I began working for my alma mater, Spalding University, as an administrative assistant. After searching for a social work job for two months and being told that most agencies only considered candidates with CSWs (I did not have one at that time), I was grateful to be employed. Although some viewed my current position as a failure, it is a rewarding interdisciplinary experience. I have opportunities throughout the year for professional development, scholarship, volunteering, and interaction with a diverse community. I have engaged in rich conversations about social justice issues with other helping professionals from the fields of psychology, nursing, history, religious studies, and others. These discussions have enriched my knowledge base and assisted me in meeting the needs of our university population. I have also shared resources about campus and local social services with students. I discovered that events happen for a reason, and I will continue to embrace every moment while I am here.
On October 28, 2016, I finally passed the CSW exam. After taking the test twice, spending a lot of money on registration fees, and studying for a year and four months, I felt vindicated. I ascertained that the right study strategy and positive thoughts helped me achieve my goal.
During the last week of November 2016, I saw a homeless man desperately trying to sleep beside the cold stone edifice of a church on campus. The temperature was chilly, so I grabbed a blanket and asked the man if he wanted one. He wrapped himself in the blanket as he thanked me. I had witnessed that earlier in the day the police had stopped to complete a wellness check and persuade the man to go to one of our local shelters, but the man refused to go. My heart grieved, because I know what it’s like to be homeless - as a child and as an adult. As an MSW graduate student, I participated in a research project about the homeless men in our city. As I interviewed six of those clients, I recognized that the only difference between myself and them was time and circumstance. I remembered that lesson when I encountered that man near our campus. A chance meeting prompted me to be thankful for all the blessings in my life. I am excited about my future career, and I am honored to be a social worker.
Tiffany Thompson, MSW, CSW, is a published author who earned an MSW from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky.