by Linda May Grobman, MSW, ACSW, LSW
These are the Publisher's Thoughts for the Fall 2014 issue of THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER magazine. Download this issue at our digital editions page or get the print edition here.

Fall 2014 Publisher's Thoughts
Publisher’s Thoughts
Dear Reader,
Fall is in the air! I want to welcome our new subscribers, including all new social work students and recent graduates.
In this issue, as we close out our twenty-first year of publication, I am happy to announce our newest columnists. Mary Pender Greene, Sandra Bernabei, and Lisa Blitz are social workers who are working every day to fight racial inequity and structural racism in our society. These are issues that are on my mind a lot. They are in the news, social media, and everyday life. It has been 50 years since “Freedom Summer,” and racism still permeates our society. Social workers, we must be at the forefront. When I heard Mary, Sandy, and Lisa speak at the National Association of Social Workers conference in Washington, DC, this past July, I decided right then that I had found the answer to making this conversation an ongoing part of THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER. I feel very fortunate that they have agreed to write a column and share their perspectives and ideas for action with our readers. Look for their column, “Achieving Racial Equity Through Social Work,” on page 19 of this issue.
I have always loved libraries. They are places you can go and just get lost in books and information and discover things serindipitously. But they are also one of the few safe, public places where anyone can enter and find shelter for a while. I heard a few years ago about social workers in libraries, an idea I had thought and wondered about even before hearing that it was a reality. It makes sense to me. Apparently, the idea is catching on. I would love to see it become more widespread. Read about it in Barbara Trainin Blank’s feature article on page 12.
As always, this issue is packed. Read articles on field placement, ethics, career networking, burnout and self care, agency culture, movies, technology, licensing, and more. Enjoy the articles, and then go to our website and share them with friends, colleagues, and classmates!
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Until next time—happy reading!