Happy New Year 2014
Happy New Year 2014 from The New Social Worker magazine!
The New Social Worker asked social workers to send in their top social work career New Year's Resolutions for 2014! We asked: what are your goals, dreams, aspirations for the coming year?
Below are some of the resolutions we received. Please share your own top social work career New Year's resolution for 2014 in the comments below.
We wish a happy, healthy, and rewarding new year to our readers and all social workers! Thank you for sharing your resolutions. We look forward to seeing you in 2014!
My social work resolution for 2014 is to further develop the skills of assessment, intervention, and evaluation of my work with my individual clients at my field placement who come to me to work on their goals of seeking higher education and employment.
Amy Angelone, Senior BSW student
I saw this posted by someone else and thought it was a fantastic resolution for 2014. It said: What if the only resolution you made was to love yourself more?
It was a post from Cheryl Richardson.com
I think it says it all about "self care" and that is a big resolution for me for 2014.
Neitcha Thomsen, Atlanta,Ga, UGA MSW student Gwinnett Campus
2013 was an AMAZING year! I was finally offered the position that I've known I wanted since I was 17, as a school social worker. Now having been submerged in the climate of my school I'd like to initiate some growth for my students and staff. In 2014 I am working to pilot a positive youth development program known as GirlPOWER! It's a mentoring program designed for girls in 4th-5th grade, teaching foundational principals such as: Pride, Opportunity, Women in the making, Empowerment, and Responsibility. My goal is to have all stakeholders on board, funding sources secured, and curriculum fully developed by May, so as to begin implementation in the fall. Wish me luck! :)
Samantha Matiya, MSW
To get my "L" in front of my MSW (my license).
Irma Branch
More on New Year's Resolutions
Here are some articles about New Year's Resolutions from around the Web: