Self Care Summer on Beach
By popular demand, Self-Care Summer is back! Self-Care Summer 2017 is a project of The New Social Worker magazine and The New Social Worker Press. In conjunction with the publication of The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals, we want to promote self-care for all social workers and helping professionals. You can participate in the following ways:
- Read The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals (Grise-Owens, Miller, and Eaves, 2016, The New Social Worker Press) and develop a self-care plan using the planning form in the back of the book. (The book is available at Amazon.com and shop.whitehatcommunications.com.)
- Write an essay of 500 words or less addressing self-care for social workers or sharing an example of how you practice self-care. Submit it (or other creative work, such as original songs, artwork relating to self-care) to Linda Grobman for possible publication on The New Social Worker website (www.socialworker.com) this summer (2017). Please include in the subject line: Submission Self-Care Summer and the topic of your submission. Also include a BRIEF bio and, if you wish, a photo of yourself. Please note that by submitting your work, you are granting The New Social Worker/White Hat Communications permission to publish your submitted work.
- Complete a #SelfCareSummer pledge, take a photo of yourself with it, and send the photo to Linda Grobman for possible publication on The New Social Worker website, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media this summer. Please note that by submitting your pledge, you are granting The New Social Worker/White Hat Communications permission to publish your submission. You can also post your #selfcaresummer pledge on Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media - be sure to use #selfcaresummer and tag @newsocialworker and socialworker.com/selfcaresummer!
Please send all submissions to Linda Grobman (lindagrobman@socialworker.com). Please contact Linda Grobman with any questions or additional ideas for Self-Care Summer 2017. Contact Linda for bulk book pricing for agencies or groups who would like to make a commitment to self-care.
We will accept submissions on an ongoing basis through August 2017, with deadlines each Friday by noon for consideration for the following week. We look forward to hearing from you and making this a Self-Care Summer!
THANK YOU, and congratulations on your commitment to self-care!